Seasonal Clean-up

Spring & Fall Clean-up

The change of seasons can have an impact on your landscaping and lawn. Debris, leaf litter, and other materials that aren’t dealt with in a timely manner can be more than just unsightly. These materials can cause dead spots in your lawn, impact soil chemistry, and promote diseases with your trees and other plants. Spring is full of things quickly turning green. Leftover leaves that have partially rotted or developed mold, sticks that were trapped under winter snow, and other debris can be bothersome as well as time-consuming to clean.
Walking in Fall

At the same time, the harshness of winter fall clean-up is necessary to prepare your lawn for the harsh winters. Cleaning up any areas of dead grass, compacted soil, thinned grass and pet damage can quickly lead to other problems. Bare spots can host difficult weeds, and compacted soil issues can make it hard for your grass to thrive in the warm sun of summer.

Clean-up includes:
• Raking
• Cleaning up sticks/down branches
• Cutting back flowers if needed
• Hauling and dumping